Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Bad Theology
God decrees that oaths, vows and pledges made by women are valid only when the women's husbands and fathers are not opposed to them. If a woman makes a vow while unmarried and living with her father, and the father expresses his opposition on the same day as he hears of the vow, then the vow does not stand. If a married woman makes a vow and her husband expresses his opposition on the day he hears of it, then the vow does not stand.
Clearly God believes that women, like oxen, asses, slaves and other livestock, bear no responsibility for their actions and are bound not by their own word but by that of their owners. A further indication of how seriously God takes a woman's vow lies in the condition He imposes for the master's veto, which must be exercised within an arbitrary time limit without regard for any other circumstances.
With the smugly patronising air common to bullies and tyrants who think they are being magnanimous, God proclaims that He will "forgive" those women whose vows are overruled: something which a ruler who was noted for exercising reason and mercy would arguably not need to point out. The vows of widows and divorced women are subject to no such indulgences: these women are defiled by having no owner, and God makes a point of reminding them that their vows will stand against them until they get back in their proper place.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Constructive Dismal
Friday, August 28, 2020
Un-British Activities
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Journal of the Plague Year
There hath been much well-juſtifyed Indignation this Week paſt, concerning the traytorous Diſinclinations of a noted Orcheſtra and its aſsociated Warblers, who are rumoured to be contemplating the Removal from their next Performance of any Trace of patriotick Sentiment. I have it from reliable Sources at the Bloater and Blueſtocking Coffee-houſe, that the Muſical Conductor hath a ſtrange foreign Name and is further ſuſpected of ſtill worſe Unmanlineſs, and thus it was propoſed to commence the great Event with the great Hall feſtooned in the Flag of the beaſtlie French, and onlie foreign Lyrics to be ſung on pain of a ſudden and horrid Finnish with melodick Inflections of unſpeakable Fiendiſhneſs. Some Luminaries of the Facially Defiant Anti-Maſque Club were reſolved there and then to beſiege the Hall and ſet up ſuch a Chorus of true Britannick Feeling, that the very floating Mattreſses of the migrant Hordes in the Engliſh Channel ſhould all ſhiver with Dread and Envy. Other Perſons have ſuggeſted abſurdly that the Reaſon behind this humiliating Diſplay of Poltrooniſhneſs may have been to preſerve the good Health of the Warblers, as if the Woo Han Peſtilence had not long ago been vanquiſhed from all the important Houſeholds, ſuch that our noble Prme Miniſter appeareth in ſeverall Minds as to whether the Wearing of Maſques at the Diſcretion of the individual Conſcience might conſtitute too ſtringent and inflexible a Rule. It is aſsuredly a very Diſgrace unto the Nation, that our great Anthems and Jingles can be conſtrained to a puſilannimous Silence, upon the mere tremulous Miſgivings of thoſe with inſufficient Faith in the Verſe and the World-beating Potency of its Œſophagus-ſcowering Britiſhneſs.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Healthy Spiritual Climate
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
BP Never Shall Be Slaves
Monday, August 24, 2020
Journal of the Plague Year
I had reſolved upon a Voyage into Calais among the beaſtlie French, in order to gather Intelligence concerning the Diſpoſition of their Armies; for it is well known amid the innermoſt Circles of Her Majeſty's Government, that the Enemy hath achieved a moſt unfair Advantage in diplomatick Statecraft, by the fiendiſhly cunning Expedient of arriving at Meetings with their Papers all prepared and their Documents thoroughly peruſed before-hand, like blatant Cheats at an Examination. It is a moſt unchivalrous ſort of Conduct, and no leſs a Diſgrace to the Honour of the Foe was the Incident which at laſt prevented my Sojourn, namely the Arrival on Calais beach of a deceaſed juvenile of inferior Race, which but for a fortunate Tide might have waſhed up at Dover inſtead. To what thin Rag or Scrap of Hope may we cling for the Harmony among Nations, when we have barely begun to recover from the Woo Han Peſtience and already our vindictive Enemies begin to tarniſh the Silver of our Seas with unclean Litterings of the migratory Swarm? It is true that the Corſe in queſtion was a ſmall one, but the period at Sea would indubitably have enhanced its Preſence and poyſonous Miaſmata with gaſeous Bloating and ſeverall Varieties of noxious Leakage, to the unſpeakable Detriment of any ſenſitive Britiſh Conſtitution.
Accordingly I betook me inſtead to Scotland, where as befitteth a Paragon of Induſtriouſneſs, our noble Prime Miniſter was upon his ſixth or ſeventh Holiday of the Year accompanied by one or more relevant Whores and Broods. I was unfortunately unable to gain a confidential Audience although I followed the eminent Entourage from Berwick to Lerwick at the Coſt of ſome Diſcomfort and ſeverall Bearers. However, I hear from the moſt reliable Sources that our dear Leader continues deeply concerned, that the Nation's more expendable Children ſhould return immediately to their accuſtomed Labours, although there remain many ungrateful and intranſigent Perſons among the lower Claſses, who threaten obſtinate Refuſal and entire Diſcombobulation of the great Stateſman's maſterly Precautions. For it is only by obſerving of the Exceſs Mortality among the Expendables that we may hope to determine the Safety of ſending the Heirs to the Country's Greatneſs back to Oxford, Cambridge and Eton. Yet alas, be he ever ſo Britiſh, in his entire Lack of a diſintereſted and altruiſtick Viſion your ſpoyled and pampered modern Expendable might almoſt as well have been borne unto the ſwarming Horde of migrating Cockroaches.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
The Father of Teeth
If there's one lesson I've learned from life, said the Father of Teeth disingenuously, that lesson is: if you want a job done properly, you should do it yourself. Even the Creator of the universe, that senile old bungler, once knew that much. In the beginning He did everything Himself, creating the world and the flesh and the serpent just the way He wanted them, and for quite a long time afterwards everything went just the way He anticipated. Perhaps that was the problem, said the Father of Teeth: His attention span isn't the greatest at the best of times, and after a while He simply became bored. That was when He decided to introduce automation, so He wouldn't have to worry about creating every last amoeba and flea and head-louse, to say nothing of human beings, whose fault it all was, apparently. Since the job was entirely beneath Him and the sexless angels would have had no idea what He was talking about, He came to me in the shape of a burning root canal and ordered me to get on with it. Well, said the Father of Teeth, if a job is worth doing it's worth assigning to someone who can do it, so I gritted my gums and went all the way back to the old days, when there was nothing on earth to be found except the primal ooze, which was globberng and bubbling with annoyance because the moon had been recently formed and the tides kept going in and out all the time and keeping it awake. I won't pretend, said the Father of Teeth, that the primal ooze was particularly pleased when I turned up again, since of course I was partly responsible for the moon's formation, though I never meant it to be so oversized; but that is another story altogether. I told the primal ooze that the Creator wanted a more efficient system that would mean less interference from head office and more freedom of action for the lower forms, and the primal ooze chewed it over for a while, allowed the thought to percolate and encrust and dilute and seep with disgusting leisureliness; and eventually, when I was just about ready to go back to some even older days and try to inject some alacrity into the pre-primal proto-ooze, somewhere amid the bubbling and the globbering a protein appeared, and then lots of them, and soon enough after that one particular protein began to replicate itself. It was the wrong one, of course, said the Father of Teeth, which explains all that's happened since and then some, and that's when I learned that delegation isn't everything, and if you want a job done properly you shouldn't necessarily leave it to primal ooze, especially primal ooze with a grudge. And hindsight, said the Father of Teeth, is all very well.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
National Religion
Friday, August 21, 2020
Journal of the Plague Year
Deſpite my conſiſtent Warnings of Treachery and unobtruſive Hints at mine own Willingneſs for the Nation's Sake to ſtep into one or ſeverall Pairs of dead Miniſters' Shoes, our noble Prime Miniſter hath betook himſelf on Holiday, it may be preſumed with one or more of his numerous Whores and Broods. Without the ſemi-Divine Guidance of his mighty Brain, and the far-ſighted Pluck and Gumption of his entrepreneurial Heart, to ſay nothing of the great diplomatick Bottle-neck beſtowed by his heroically ballooning Proſtate Gland, it is onlie naturall and inevitable that ſubordinate Miniſters will continue entirely unmindful of the true Victims of this national Criſis, falling to Diſcord and unauthoriſed Meaſures in order to demonſtrate their illuſory Independence of Spirit and to ſecure their own Poſitions againſt my ſatanically ſubtil Manœuvres. Thus one Miniſter hath moſt ſcurrilouſly and outrageouſly proclaimed, that those depraved and diſsipated Hovellers who refuſe timely Payment of their Rent, ſhall have a full further Calendar Month in which to waſte their Reſources on Gaming, ſtrong Drink and Tattoos. It is true that a Miniſter of more reſponſible Attitude hath attempted to balance this Heliogabalian Profligacy by aboliſhing the Penſions for the Families of thoſe Surgeons, Apothecaries and Nurſes who periſhed during the Peſtilence from a Surfeit of Applauſe; but difficult Choices are nevertheleſs in Store. With not five Weeks left before next Quarter-day and the Peaſantry continuing reſtleſs and belligerent, I ſhall have Bailiffs ſitting idle until Chriſtmas while my Eſtates go untended and my Wardrobe unrepleniſhed but for Stockings and the leſs colourful Waiſtcoats.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Levelling Up
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Surprised By Kitsch
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Journal of the Plague Year
It is a Truth univerſally acknowledged, that there is no Thing ſo ſaps the moral Fibre of the lower Claſses, than an Exceſs of good Health. Without the harſh Incentives of imminent Starvation and incurable Diſeaſe, the naturall Man inevitably gaineth Aſcendancy over all that is great and noble, and all too eaſily forceth out the Britiſhneſs which maketh our Soldiers, Miners, Chimney-ſweeps and Nigger-drivers the Envy and Terror of the World, and thoſe who lack the Quality neceſsary for the Reſponſibility of Command and Ownerſhip ſlide thereby into the horrid Slough of Vice and Idleneſs, and become a Burden to the Community and a Diſaſter to themſelves. It is doubtleſs as a Reſult of ſuch Conſiderations, which I have mentioned upon ſome few dozen Occaſions during our lengthy Correſpondence concerning my Employment at the more exalted Levels of Government, that our noble Prime Miniſter hath taken the ſuperbly ſtateſmanlike Deciſion to aboliſh Publick Health in England. Mine own Intelligence hath led me inexorably to conclude, that the recent Woo Han Peſtilence was aided in its ſubtil and nefarious Progreſs by that traitorous Cabal of Surgeons, Nurſes, Apothecaries and other Immigrants, who drained the Life's Blood of the Nation by continually demanding Applauſe from Hands that would have been better occupied in conſtructing affordable Hovels for hard-working Families and ſchooling the next Generation of entrepreneurial World-beaters by generous wielding of the pedagogical Rod.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Freedom Tastes Like Chlorine
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Bad Theology
The epistle of James was rejected by some early theologians for its lack of guidance on those matters of church bureaucracy and the nature of Christ which make the Pauline and pseudo-Pauline epistles such hypnotic reading. Instead James concentrates on obedience to the Jewish law: an emphasis which might displease the church fathers, but would certainly gain a degree of approval from a rabidly chauvinistic and stridently reactionary Jew such as Jesus.
Undeniably there are difficulties. James states outright that God is not the source of temptation, thereby flatly contradicting the Lord's Prayer as well as the Saviour's own statement that God has deliberately created a world in which temptation is necessary. One might argue that James is merely re-stating the Saviour's observation that God uses selected human beings as a temptation delivery system, so that He may in good conscience inflict upon them the punishment for His own sadistic crimes; but James goes on to state that the real source of temptation is human desire.
This is entirely in accordance with the Saviour's view of any wish that does not coincide with His own; but the question remains how James can assert that God, without Whose sanction a sparrow cannot fall to earth, is somehow disengaged from the vital and virtuous process of condemning people to the eternal flames. James states immediately afterwards that God is unalterable in His dictatorial rigidity, thereby eliminating the argument that He has simply changed His mind since the Saviour's time.
Presumably the statement on temptation refers only to the elect, since these are not the ones whom God has chosen to take the blame for His machinations. God does not tempt, or allow to be tempted, those He has predestined for His kingdom; therefore, when such people pray to be spared temptation their prayers will come true and their faith will be justified. As for the chaff, they can blame themselves and suffer while their loving Father stokes the waiting fire.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
And Then There Was Korea
Friday, August 14, 2020
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Journal of the Plague Year
Woe to this poor Countrie, that it ſhould ſuffer Peſtilence and migrant Swarms and the ſcheming Machinations of the beastlie French, and that all this ſhould not be enough to ſlake the Flames of unlucky Fortune and dowſe the ſtinging poyſonous Thorns of Ingratitude in our ungrateful and inſubordinate Populace. Thoſe reckleſs and diſruptive Students from the inferior Claſses, whoſe final Examinations have neceſsarily been far leſs rigorous in their Standards owing to the fortuitous Demiſe of ſo many Teachers, have raiſed ſuch a Hullaballoo and Cry at the ſuppoſed Injuſtice of their Lot, that the weekly general Meeting of the League of Facial Defiance had to be cancelled for fear of the maſqued indignant Mob. Theſe future menial Servants, private Soldiers and other front-line Perſonnel of to-morrow muſt have a moſt inflated Conception of their Value to our great Civiliſation, which is robuſt enough to award every Subject his due in Hope and Opportunity for the next thouſand Years once purged of all Elements of treacherous Diſloyalty and ſpiritual Rambunctiouſneſs.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Decent People's Burden
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Tried and Tested
Monday, August 10, 2020
Journal of the Plague Year
Once more the beaſtlie French are muddying our Wives and ſqueezing the Breath from our Gates, perfidiouſly ſeeking to ſubvert our invincible maritime Supremacy by diſpatching ſwarming Hordes of Turks to rape our Grandmothers and give to Fire and Sword our ſilken Undergarments. I have it from a moſt reliable Source at the Admiralty, that the benighted and barbarick Mussulmans are croſsing the Channel by the Dozen, frequently afloat upon no more than the inflated Bladders of their leſs fortunate Countrymen, or a pneumatick Odaliſque. Yet deſpite ſuch primitive Veſsels they conſtitute a Terror and a Peril to our gallant Fiſhermen, who flee ſcreaming from the unhallowed Spectacle with the very Lice tumbling dead in ſtark Horror out of their whitening Beards. Not a Whit leſs than the full and entire Reſources of the Royal Navy will be required to purge this rank Criminality from the Waters of the Empire. And in this ſimple Fact lies the very Fiendiſhneſs and Perfidiouſneſs of the ſcheming French; for what better Moment to attempt a ſneaking Attack upon our Shores than when our invincible Seamen are buſy ſplattering the Heathen with Chriſtian Spunk? There is no denying the Vulnerability of our Coaſtline in the Wake of the Woo Han Peſtilence, when even now Her Majeſty's Government is toſsed upon the furious Horns of a great Dilemma, being forced to the terrible moral Choice of whether to open the Publick-houſes or to re-commence Child Labour. Aſsuredly it is a moſt griſly Taſk, the like of which no true and ſtalwart Briton ſhould ever be compelled to undertake. Why, one might with equal Fairneſs demand that an able Seaman chooſe between his Grog and his Cabin-boy.
Sunday, August 09, 2020
The Father of Teeth
Later, however, the Father of Teeth emerged noisily from beneath the floorboards of the death-chamber, splintering the parson's nethers and scaring the grieving relatives into fits, while the wheezing grey thing on the bed boggled in terminal terror.
"Are you an emissary of the Creator, come to bear away my spirit?" it asked.
"Not in the least," said the Father of Teeth.
"Then," wheezed the grey thing on the bed, "have you come to offer me unholy bargains, in order to prolong my life and corrupt my soul with worldly pleasures?"
"Far from it," said the Father of Teeth.
"But the shadows are gathering," wheezed the grey thing on the bed. "Where is the tunnel? I was informed that there would be a luminous tunnel, with all my most eminent forebears waiting to pay their respects." The Father of Teeth leaned over comfortingly and displayed a grinful of cavities in their abysmal profundity, but the grey thing on the bed did not seem greatly solaced.
The grieving relatives were mostly quiet by now, the majority having been carried off by heart attacks and cerebral accidents and the like, or suffocated under the parson; but one beefy nephew was still thumping and kicking with belligerent persistence. The Father of Teeth squatted and bit off something small but necessary, whereupon the noise was stilled.
However, the grey thing on the bed displayed no concomitant access of serenity. "If you cannot ease my passing nor prolong my life, you creature of unhallowed halitosis," it wheezed, "can you at least tell me something of its meaning?"
"That depends on who you ask," said the Father of Teeth; "to your employers you were no doubt an expendable resource and scheming peril, to your wife a meal ticket with some tedious fleshly urges, to your children an absent threat and punitive stranger, and to your government and your lawyers a useful dupe."
"That's all so subjective," wheezed the grey thing on the bed; "what of its ultimate meaning?"
"Meanings change," said the Father of Teeth, "just like manners and morals and monkeys. Your life has spanned a mere handful of decades during which you have effected nothing special in a civilisation which is in any case destined to collapse and leave to the memory of posterity only the material imperishability of what it threw away. If immortality is meaning, then the meaning of a used plastic bag is more ultimate than yours. Then again, in as much as bacteria have a purpose there is meaning in biodegradability."
"Monkeys?" wheezed the grey thing on the bed indignantly.
"The Creator of the universe insists on chronic changeability," said the Father of Teeth. "Placing the lust for Eternity into finite and temporary creatures was hardly the most tasteful of His jokes; but then He is a whimsical old bugger, and He never could make up His mind."
"But I have made all due arrangements for an airtight lead-lined coffin to await the resurrection of my flesh in a nuclear-proof bunker half a mile underground," wheezed the grey thing on the bed, and this information proved useful to the Father of Teeth when he passed that way again in a hurry some fifty-one thousand two hundred and seventeen years later, and remembered just in time to avoid banging his head on the reinforced titanium sepulchre.
Saturday, August 08, 2020
The Liberty Belfry
Friday, August 07, 2020
Journal of the Plague Year
No ſooner have the Cheeks of our ſtout Yeomen regained their accuſtomed healthfull Mottling of red, white and blue, than certain Scotch Clans ſubverſively reawaken the Wrath of the Peſtilence with their perſiſtent Hooting and Skirling, while our economick Rivals bend the national Ear with querulous Demands that we ſhould ſhare the Secret of any ſucceſsful Treatment, in utter Defiance of all natural Juſtice and Laws of Competition. It is of courſe a regrettable Fact of human Nature, that thoſe Perſons who have attained the greateſt moral and cultural Superiority, are the very Perſons againſt whom is directed the hoſtile Paſsion and deſtructive Naſtineſs of the undiſtinguiſhed Rabble. If any one ſhould doubt the univerſal Verity of this indubitable Truth, he need only obſerve the Opprobrium and Billingſgrate hurled by every embittered Sawbones and ſlatternly Nurſe at the luminous and upright Figure of that great Stateſman, our noble Prime Miniſter. In ſimilar Faſhion, the more the leſser Breeds witness the World-beating Achievements of our ſacred Realm, the leſs are they inclined to accord us the ſporting Chances merited by the ſuperlative Britiſhneſs with which the Divine Plan hath endowed us. Accordingly, while awaiting the Announcement of my Appointment to the Houſe of Lords I ſpent much of yeſterday and today writing to the Prime Miniſter with the urgent Suggeſtion that we ſhould utterly cauteriſe the Plague with an immediate Naval Bombardment of Woo Han and the Scotch, and offering to go one-Eighth Shares in the Firſt Lordſhip of the Admiralty with any other willing and reaſonable Buyers.
Thursday, August 06, 2020
Sticky Little Trigger-Fingers
Wednesday, August 05, 2020
Tough Decisions, Painful Sacrifices
Tuesday, August 04, 2020
Journal of the Plague Year
For ſeverall Weeks paſt the Streets have been filled with official Exhortations to all patriotick Subjects of Her Majeſty, that we ſhould forſake the tedious diſhonourable Security of our Homes and partake in proper ſafety of the rambunctious Pleaſures of the Summer, provided that all Perſons maintain a Diſtance equalling the average Longitude of a well-grown Bullock, or a fairly mature Sheep when at Stool or religious Worſhip. In Places where ſuch Diſtance is impoſsible or utterly inconvenient to maintain, or in Boroughs where more than a third Part of the Electorate hath for the paſt Twelvemonth been in continuous Poſseſsion of a Houſe with a Fire-place or Hearth capable of accommodating a Cauldron, the liquid Capacity of which exceedeth half a dozen Imperial Gallons at the Boil without overſpilling the Rim, the Extent of the Precautions to be taken is left to the perſonal Diſcretion and Pluck of each free Subject of the Crown, except in certain Circumſtances of erotick Diſcombobulation. During the hot Weather laſt Week I took dutiful Advantage of theſe new Liberties to go and take the Waters at Bournemouth, where I was much encouraged by the vaſt Quantities of broiling purple Blubber ſprawling and wobbling upon the Sands. For as long as the great Engliſh Holiday retaineth its thouſand-year Complexion, we cannot but perſiſt in our Faith that thoſe who ſurvive this Peſtilence ſhall inherit the ſunlit Uplands of a moderate and leiſured, yet world-conquering Liberty.
Monday, August 03, 2020
Britishness Betrayed
Sunday, August 02, 2020
Bad Theology
Lamenting the master race's defeat and exile in Babylon, the psalmist boasts of the Israelites' refusal to humour their conquerors by singing their native music. The idea of singing praises to God in a foreign country was anathema to the Jews, who had not yet been informed of God's omnipresence and thus assumed that He was a purely local deity. Given that the exile was God's punishment for excessive tolerance of foreign customs, the Israelites naturally assumed that the Babylonians' wish to learn more about their culture was motivated entirely by mockery and malice.
The psalmist then recalls Jerusalem, wishing paralysis and muteness on himself should he forget the city of God's official residence. Since the exile in Babylon entailed national and cultural impotence as well as self-censorship, it could be argued that these exhortations show a certain passive-aggressive priestly irony, calling down a curse that had already descended in return for a sin which no Israelite, and certainly no composer of official propaganda, was likely to commit.
Finally the psalmist celebrates the prospect of violent revenge, calling on God to remember the Edomites who encouraged the Babylonians in their sack of Jerusalem. The last line of all, blessing those future persons who will smash the heads of Babylonian infants against the rock, connotes the gleeful slaughter of the people of Seir by King Amaziah (II Chronicles 25 xi-xvi), who predictably received God's approbation for the mass murder but then came to grief through multiculturalism. After the Second Vatican Council, these lines were censored from the Roman liturgy as being incompatible with the Gospels, presumably on the grounds of insufficient violence. Certainly the all-encompassing genocide which the Saviour envisaged would be impracticable if carried out solely by hand.