Friday, December 31, 2021
Thursday, December 30, 2021
When and Beyond
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Greetings from the Kirk
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Available Now
There is good news, at least, for fans of post-apocalyptic arachnoid workplace comedy: my latest is now available as both a PDF ebook and a real book. It starts with a variation on one of the world's shortest science-fiction/horror stories: The last person on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock at the door, and matters head more or less steadily downhill from there. As with several previous items in my pantingly available backlist, the superb cover photograph is by Giovanna Ceroni.
Monday, December 27, 2021
Britannia Unplugged
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Bad Theology
On trial before the Sanhedrin, Jesus at first refuses to speak, though many witnesses are called against Him. When the high priest asks directly if He is the Christ, Jesus affirms that He is, and boasts that He will be seen seated at the right hand of Power and coming with the clouds of Heaven.
The Gospel states that the Sanhedrin sought witnesses to put Jesus to death, but could find none because the testimony of the witnesses did not agree. As a kangaroo court, then, the Sanhedrin was a rank failure, since it failed to coach its witnesses properly and was too scrupulous to accept inconsistent testimony - a scruple which is shared by all too few believers in the corrupt, contradictory, mistranslated and manipulated Gospels. The Saviour's mention of the clouds of Heaven is not only a gloating reference to the fire and brimstone which He will rain upon the unworthy, but a cynical joke about the clouds of mystery and obfuscation with which His church will protect itself.
In the end, the only testimony the Sanhedrin does accept is that of Jesus, who clearly and unequivocally incriminates Himself on the charge of blasphemy. As one would expect from so perfect an exemplar of meekness and humility, His god is not love, nor law, nor righteousness, nor forgiveness, but power.
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Pragmatic Adjustmentism
Friday, December 24, 2021
Purple Haze
Leaving aside, in a spirit of seasonal charity, the fact that Johnson's hair falls all over the place while Daveybloke's mostly falls out, there are many notable resemblances between these overgrown school bullies. Johnson views public office as a cash-cow; Daveybloke viewed it as a networking opportunity. Johnson appointed the incompetent thug Priti Patel to the Home Office; Daveybloke appointed the incompetent thug Theresa May. When relaxed, Johnson is bluff, mendacious and vacuous; when relaxed, Daveybloke is smarmy, mendacious and vacuous. When at bay, both of them are loud, coarse, mean-spirited and treacherous.
Johnson's dishonesty, idiocy and laziness are so blatant as to stand out even in so crowded a field as the Conservative and Unionist Party; Daveybloke was dim enough to call the Brexit referendum and too lazy to win it. He once suffered a defeat on wog-bombing, of all the patriotic favourites, because he was too lazy to ensure that his MPs would fall into line. Having lost the Brexit referendum, Daveybloke promised to stay on and see it through, whereupon he resigned; then promised to stay in Parliament and work for his constituents, whereupon he resigned.
The reason for Daveybloke's latest re-emergence is a documentary about the media, in which he wags the finger at Johnson for relying on pre-recorded blah-blah instead of turning up to fib in person. Johnson boycotted (avoided, in Standard English) the BBC's Today programme because of its bias in favour of answers to questions, whereas Daveybloke was, in his own appraisal, "available and keen to engage and to answer questions," however falsely, evasively or inanely. Still, no doubt the sincerity shone through when Daveybloke lamented that the National Johnson can "get away with things that mere mortals can't seem to." Resentment, envy and hatred have always been powerful forces in the Conservative Party's market, especially when directed against a colleague, successor and frère et semblable.
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Dubious Recognition
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Beginnings of Britishness
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Monday, December 20, 2021
You Can't Trust Anything These Days
Let's out on the lawn at our ease:
The day is so fine,
Let's guzzle some wine
While scoffing a nice bit of cheese!
O horror and fury! What dogs,
What fiends are those vile Euro-wogs!
That damnable cheese
We thought Japanese -
Was made by perfidious Frogs!
What is this bouquet in my conk?
A hanky, I pray! I must honk!
The scandal that's brewing
Could prove our undoing:
This is an Australian plonk!
Marnus Barnier
Sunday, December 19, 2021
The Father of Teeth
As night comes on at last, however, the Father of Teeth will stumble into a ditch, the floor of which will rattle with layers of bones and plastic; and beyond the ditch he will come upon a circled crowd, all chanting and muttering in terror. Small children and other animals, not nearly so starved and deformed as most these days, will be struggling in cages of wood and plastic, shunted reverently from hand to hand towards the centre. Here the chanting will be loudest and the muttering most insistent. Each cage will be taken reverently by an acolyte, its occupant hauled forth and closely inspected for impious attributes. Within a ring of standing stones, surrounded by a plastic fence and centred upon a great bonfire, seventeen priests at seventeen altars will be keeping up a steady rhythm of throat-cutting, skull-smashing, dismemberment and vociferous propitiation. At each hacking and clubbing, the crowd will raise its voice and gaze reverently toward the east, while the priests hurl the offering into the fire; and after every sacrifice the horizon will remain obstinately dark. Having witnessed several millennia of human progress, the Father of Teeth will know better than to point out that it is still the middle of the night, and that no amount of blood or burning can make the slightest difference. He will know, too, that in the year whose birth now approaches the floods will come again, to sweep away the trees; and then again the desert, to burn the soil to dust; so that soon enough there will be nothing to fuel a fire, nothing for priests to bleed or bludgeon, and no more crowds. And the gums of the Father of Teeth will be another darkness upon the darkness, and the breath of his halitosis another poison upon the air.
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Another Day, Another Nigel
Friday, December 17, 2021
Missed Call
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Past Abuses
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Not Quite Fully Plugged In
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Un-Britishness Has No Rights
Monday, December 13, 2021
Pigs and Bishoprics
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Bad Theology
Posing as a Galilean peasant, a highly educated Greek-speaking forger instructs the faithful to submit to those whom God has placed above them. Subjects must obey emperors, slaves their masters and wives their husbands, and unjust punishment from any of these reliable sources is to be welcomed, as implied by the Saviour (Matthew 5 xi-xii). Towards the end of the epistle, the forger invites his audience to rejoice and be exceedingly glad at the prospects of still greater suffering for their inferiors.
Proclaiming the continued imminence of God's final glorious genocide, the forger cites His assaults on the righteous as grounds for quiet contentment, since the privations of the pious will indubitably pale into insignificance compared with His punishment of those who disobey. While we are not permitted to judge our neighbours, the teachings of Jesus make it abundantly clear that there is nothing wrong with anticipating their judgement by the Father and rejoicing in the agonies to which He has predestined them. The more the righteous suffer, the more they should rejoice in their faith that their loving Father will increase in due proportion the sufferings of their enemies.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
School Fuel
Friday, December 10, 2021
Struthious Truth
Thursday, December 09, 2021
More Than They Deserve
Wednesday, December 08, 2021
Inexplicable Resistance
Tuesday, December 07, 2021
Model Democracy
We've patriotic platitudes and racialistic otherment;
We'll blithely break a treaty with a treacherous and foreign dog,
And happily deport a darkie or a ghastly Euro-wog.
Because our major interests are mostly egotistical,
We have no truck with vexing regulations legalistical;
We've laws for little people in the order hierarchical,
And for our wealthy chums a spot of something more anarchical.
Our promises are almost worth inhaling to enunciate;
Our flaws we blame on shirkers, wogs and other ugly whims of fate;
With blatancy of crookedness and disregard for covenant,
We are the very model of a modern British Government.
We are the very model of a modern British Government:
A pustular furuncle of corruption and of blunderment,
Derailing public transport from the comfort of a limousine,
Then flying in a jet to lecture lesser breeds on going green.
We cannot let Democracy fall prey to any skittishness
That leads to higher taxes or some other anti-Britishness.
When plague is running rampant in the nation, we're concerned of course,
But keep our head for business and pay medics with sincere applause.
We'll sell you down the river and then charge you transportation fees,
And then you'll re-elect us when we burble Freedom of the Seas.
We'll kick you in the knackers and we'll fuck you up the fundament;
We are the very model of a modern British Government.
with apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan
Monday, December 06, 2021
Nominal Liberty
Sunday, December 05, 2021
The Father of Teeth
Having thus once more cunningly eluded the angry mobs of oral hygienists, the Father of Teeth continued upon his way, grumbling and cracking beetles with his entomoclastic premolars. Soon he heard a wailing in the distance, which lent to his grumbles a lachrymose counterpoint; and as the Father of Teeth drew closer a soft and steady rhythmical pounding was added to the medley.
Approaching directly the origin of these noises, for the delicate vibrations of beetle-bits between his premolars provided a superbly accurate sonar heading, the Father of Teeth soon observed a ragged group whose grief at a recent demise was clearly the source of the wailing. The corpse lay formally sprawled within a circle of the bereaved, who chorused their inarticulate eulogy while administering hefty kicks to the departed.
On closer inspection the mourners proved weedy types, without the contoured brow-ridge or the robust jawline which then characterised the dominant species. When the Father of Teeth appeared, they greeted him with cold politeness and gave him to understand that he had interrupted a most vital procedure, the premature curtailment of which, particularly by so mangy and disreputable an interloper, might lead to the direst moral and economic consequences.
Inquiring what they hoped to achieve by their wailing at the uncomprehending atmosphere and abuse of their colleague's inanimate flesh, the Father of Teeth was informed, in tones that left little doubt as to the excusability of his ignorance, that the deceased had occupied a somewhat lowly position in the local hierarchy, but nevertheless displayed sufficient temerity to turn up in the dreams of his social superiors even after his capacity for labour had been permanently vitiated. Therefore, the wails were intended to call back the wayward soul before his vacated body decayed so far as to lack potential for redemptive employment; while the kicks were meant to motivate a prompt resurrection in case the soul should have sneaked back unobserved. Until resurrection was achieved, or the corpse disintegrated beyond hope of utilisation as a human resource, any interruption of the ritual was forbidden, on pain of the Creator's intense displeasure. Indeed, such was the Creator's dislike of idleness that, on the rather frequent occasions when the ritual failed to reanimate, He would visit upon the incompetent participants various unpleasant miasmas and other forms of uncleanliness, which were so distasteful that certain people had been known to contract agonising infections and drop dead in the hope of escaping any further intimations of disapproval.
The Father of Teeth asked whether they had tried burying the shirkers under the ground, which would most likely provide the newly reanimated with a fairly strong stimulus towards activity; but when he was compelled to admit that he could not guarantee the absence of the dead from the dreams of the living, they cursed him for a blasphemer and a lazy, impractical fellow, and threatened him with the usual. Yawning prodigiously, the Father of Teeth exhaled innumerable finely-ground shards of coleopterous carapace. They were still picking these out of their bald and chinless faces when, long after the Father of Teeth had discreetly disappeared, the oral hygienists descended upon them.