Britannia Unplugged
As we approach what may be the warmest year's end on record, the response of Her Majesty's Government has been much as one would expect; namely, to level down the green crap. The National Johnson's boast of an electric thingummy for those wheely whatsits in every car park has been discreetly downgraded from rah-rah to um-ah, supposedly to arrange a "more tailored approach." It remains as yet unclear to whose bloated corporate body the tailoring will be suited, although the chancellor may conceivably have dropped a hint when he cut the duty on domestic flights. Perfidiously enough, the beastly Euro-wogs are already plotting a Nazi-Soviet Diktat to compel the fitting of existing buildings with cable routes for chargers, raising the possibility that Global Britain, as befits a government of public schoolboys, will once again be beating the world from behind.
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