Bad Theology
On trial before the Sanhedrin, Jesus at first refuses to speak, though many witnesses are called against Him. When the high priest asks directly if He is the Christ, Jesus affirms that He is, and boasts that He will be seen seated at the right hand of Power and coming with the clouds of Heaven.
The Gospel states that the Sanhedrin sought witnesses to put Jesus to death, but could find none because the testimony of the witnesses did not agree. As a kangaroo court, then, the Sanhedrin was a rank failure, since it failed to coach its witnesses properly and was too scrupulous to accept inconsistent testimony - a scruple which is shared by all too few believers in the corrupt, contradictory, mistranslated and manipulated Gospels. The Saviour's mention of the clouds of Heaven is not only a gloating reference to the fire and brimstone which He will rain upon the unworthy, but a cynical joke about the clouds of mystery and obfuscation with which His church will protect itself.
In the end, the only testimony the Sanhedrin does accept is that of Jesus, who clearly and unequivocally incriminates Himself on the charge of blasphemy. As one would expect from so perfect an exemplar of meekness and humility, His god is not love, nor law, nor righteousness, nor forgiveness, but power.
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