Voices of the People
It would doubtless be unfair to assume that all of the abuse, intimidation and general British phlegm directed at government scientific advisers has been the work of Conservative "libertarians" or the Secretary of State for Profitable Healthcare. Although the National Johnson's response to the idea that the party might moderate its denunciations of traitors, shirkers, enemies of the people and citizens of nowhere was a robust, "I've never heard such humbug in all my life," Her Majesty's Government mostly prefers to express its contempt with applause and pay-cuts; while the back-bench baboons have less to gain from showing they've had enough of experts than from undermining the positions of fellow Party careerists. The minister for science, who must have quite an interesting life among the cretins, the magic-thinkers and the priests of Oligarchical Collectivism, burbled about "decisions taken in good faith by ministers accountable to parliament," although he does not seem to have specified which decisions not to decide anything and which dictatorial scrutiny-dodgers he had in mind. As befits a responsible opposition, his shadow agreed with him entirely and demanded that the Government proceed as quickly as possible with censoring the internet.
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