Thursday, September 30, 2021
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Another Broken Egg in our Noble Freedomelette
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Diplomatic Channel
Monday, September 27, 2021
Expectably Unmanageable
Sunday, September 26, 2021
The Father of Teeth
When the first carnivore chomped the first herbivore, said the Father of Teeth unreliably, of course I was there. But I was also there when the first herbivore plucked its first leaves, and when the first worm parted its sideways gnashers and took its fill of some innocent root; and each of those evolutionary progressions was equally something to chew on. For it is the will of the Creator of the universe, said the Father of Teeth, that whatever moves must eat, and that whatever eats in order temporarily and contingently to confound its own entropy must work to enhance, often rather more permanently, the entropy of something else. Having created life that could draw its energies directly from the sun, causing pain and death to nobody, the Creator was quick, relatively speaking, to ensure that other life must prey upon it. For having created finitude out of His own infinity and inferiority out of His own perfection, said the Father of Teeth, the Creator wished to observe the lengths to which His deliberately limited creatures would go in attempting to cope with the limitations He had imposed upon them, given that the only other choice He allowed them was downing teeth and giving up. Having created famine, He demanded sacrifice; having created lust, He demanded chastity; and having carelessly allowed the bare rudiments of reason to arise in one of His more ludicrous experiments, He denied the resulting creature any reliable co-operative instincts beyond those of the tribe, the choir and the lynch mob. There are those who say that the present devours the future and excretes progress, and others who say that the great worm of time bites its own tail and then comes back to haunt itself; but what I say, said the Father of Teeth, and I have said it before and will say it again, is that time is relative and teeth are an absolute, more or less.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Deserving and Undeserving
Friday, September 24, 2021
Ethical Chickenfeed
Thursday, September 23, 2021
So Great a Day as This is Cheaply Bought
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
You Can't Get the Staff These Days
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
The Master Race is Dying Out Again
Monday, September 20, 2021
Low Cunning
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Bad Theology
God causes the book of the law to be found so that His people may know how far they have strayed from its precepts and how much they deserve His latest round of punishments.
Having become a religious fanatic at the age of sixteen, and spent eighteen happy years persecuting those who do not share his beliefs, King Josiah is disturbed when the book of God's law is discovered during a refurbishment of the temple. The priest's secretary reads him the book, and Josiah is astounded and horrified to discover that the laws of a wandering desert community are not being strictly kept by the people of a settled nation some half-dozen centuries later. Doubtless it was this combination of realism and acumen which caused Josiah to accept the book at face value, and to continue his persecutions even after being informed that they would make no difference to the fate of his realm.
Josiah sends to a prophetess, who promises that God will bring new disasters to the nation because of the people's religious tolerance. In subsequent chapters, He duly sets up these disasters by appointing a sequence of impious kings and then venting His righteous wrath in the accustomed manner. However, in His infinite compassion God takes account of Josiah's grovelling, and graciously promises to have the king killed before any unpleasantness occurs.
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Le Chagrin et la Pitié
Friday, September 17, 2021
A Bestial Atrocity
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Chinks of Hope
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Fury at Interview Bias Scandal
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
It Won't Wash
Monday, September 13, 2021
Decent British Business
Sunday, September 12, 2021
The Father of Teeth
After various and multifarious inconveniences, therefore, the Father of Teeth found himself arbitrarily deposited in a town where not a single door opened in the same way as the next. Some were shutters that folded, rattling and squealing, until they jammed halfway up or halfway down; others were like blunted guillotine blades that were raised and lowered on a string, and could crack a skull when slammed. Some were fixed at the bottom and had to be walked over quickly, before they snapped shut and catapulted the Father of Teeth over the horizon; others were fixed at the top and came close to decapitating him. The majority, which doled out entrance and exit to the poor, were simple openings through which the wind and rain blew, the sun faded rhomboids onto the floor, and privacy was not to be had.
Much annoyed by all these arbitrary apertures which, like many security arrangements, swung and lunged from all sides or else were never there when needed, the Father of Teeth took up residence in a humble hovel with no doors at all. Here each ghastly thing he did with his dentition was visible for all to see; and after a week of chewing and viewing, the townspeople nailed a board across the only exit and set fire to the hovel.
Emerging amid an explosion of splinters, which permanently cured several wide-eyed persons of voyeurism, the Father of Teeth addressed the august personage who had led the mob to his lodging and who had provided exhortation and guidance for the democratic enforcement of public decency: "The doors in this place are so universally devoid of convenience," said the Father of Teeth, "that this nailed and flavourless impediment of yours would seem little more than the logical conclusion. Yet I cannot help wondering why you have not yet adopted the principle of the hinge, a technological advancement which helpfully combines the principle of privacy with the privilege of free access."
"Foolish and blasphemous stranger," replied the august personage, "the principle of the hinge has long been known in our community, but the diabolic device itself was expelled, expunged and exorcised many years ago on grounds of gross immorality. For does not the whole principle of the hinge depend upon the placing of rods into cavities, and upon the subsequent repetitive yet voluptuous movement of said rods in their oily and darkened spaces? Set against the cleansing from our town of such a taint of sinfulness, what matters the sacrifice of our privacy, when the Creator in any case sees all?"
"If the Creator sees all," said the Father of Teeth, "then He also sees the torments of the innocent and the tortures of the helpless; which demonstrates rather conclusively that seeing is not the same as caring. But I take it that your question was rhetorical."
"There are no innocents born upon this carnal plane of being," confirmed the august personage; "for we are all the product of that same filthy and sinful act, which I blush and shudder to mention in the presence of the uncastrated: the placing of rods into cavities for purposes of lubricated, squeaky and occasionally swinging motions. Our more subtle philosophers have even detected, in this bestial and loathsome reproductive process, a transparent metaphor for the evil of the hinge."
So the Father of Teeth uncoupled his mandibles and extended his maw to a chaste, yawning void. At full stretch he resembled Ginnungagap framed by a fence of splintery stakes. The jaw of the august personage dropped so far that it dislocated; and upon examination by the local philosophers it was found to be a hinge in itself, which led to consequences of the utmost indignity.
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Régime Change
And Christendom shocked from her dream!
Past time that the Middle East started
Good business, demoxey and freem.
From this moment all will be dreading
The next Muslim terror attack:
Let's bomb us an Afghani wedding
And oil ourselves up in Iraq!
Huzzah for the fall of the towers!
Just think of the fun that's in store:
Let's grab some emergency powers
And toddle right off to the war!
Britney Murca
Friday, September 10, 2021
Those Who Fail to Learn from History
Thursday, September 09, 2021
Inflatable Threats
Wednesday, September 08, 2021
Tidemarks from the Greenwash
Tuesday, September 07, 2021
Well, I Guess We Got Our Own Back
Monday, September 06, 2021
May Bring the Phoney War Within Fairly Measurable Distance of a Measurable Distance of a Bit of a Fudge
Sunday, September 05, 2021
Bad Theology
Preaching to the Athenians, St Paul states that God is not served by human hands, since He is Himself the source of all life and everything in the universe. Paul then states that God has ordered all people everywhere to repent, as He has fixed a day of judgement and appointed a man to carry out His vengeance on the disobedient.
To support his claim that human beings are God's offspring, Paul disingenuously quotes the Greek poets Epimenides and Aratus, both of whom were speaking of Zeus: a somewhat less sexually inhibited deity than Christ's Father in heaven, though almost equally violent. One might with equal honesty claim that the self-harm of the priests of Baal is a blood-sacrifice that validates the cult of Jesus.
Paul argues that God has no needs. This being true, His love of blood and His obsession with control and punishment must be considered matters of choice rather than involuntary personal crotchets. In virtually the next breath, Paul states that God requires repentance and has marked out a day of judgement. Rather than specifying the day and providing an unequivocal sign to every individual in the world, God has appointed a henchman whom He has raised from the dead as proof of His intentions. God has allowed this resurrection to be directly witnessed only by a handful of barbarian peasants; everyone else must take it on trust. Again, according to Paul's statement not a single one of these little inconveniences results from necessity: each is imposed through the Father's free choice, undertaken in the light of full and absolute knowledge. What this might indicate about God's famously supreme moral status may perhaps be expounded by more charitable theologians than myself.
Saturday, September 04, 2021
Our Sort of Expert
Friday, September 03, 2021
Heavy Undertaking
Tourist crowds and terrorist malice!
The plebs will get no holiday,
But management can grieve as they may -
Who's jealous?
There's funeral planning at Buckingham Palace;
Human resources are shedding their ballast.
We've sacked the chap who'll lower the flag,
And still can't afford to mourn the old bag -
Be zealous!
They're awfully solemn at Buckingham Palace:
The heir awaits the rusty chalice.
It really is a difficult goal
To drop some rubbish into a hole -
Fate's callous!
Bridget Downing