The Curmudgeon


Friday, October 11, 2024

Wind Power

There was a time when the visitations of Hurricanes Milton and Helene upon the Christian state of Florida would have been considered symptoms of divine judgement: a reminder that the abortion laws are still too liberal, or that too many precautions are being taken against the Heathen Chinee hoax of climate change. Such days of moderation appear to be drawing to a close with the Trumpster campaign's appropriation and turbo-charging of British expert fatigue. As famously pointed out by the jabbering homunculus Michael Gove, Britain's ruling class is fed up with economists who whine that cutting the country loose from its biggest trading partner might adversely affect trade, and with biologists who preach that gender may not be quite so binary as Genesis makes it look, and with civil servants who claim that spending less money on something and sacking all the people who provide it may occasionally be followed by a purely coincidental lack of that very same something. The acolytes of the head-tribble and its tangerine dangler have taken this dynamic intellectual trend to its logical next level by blaming the weather on meteorologists. Allegations range from the kind that would likely be palatable to the sensible moderates of Team Starmer (resources meant for the deserving folks diverted to beastly immigrants) to those with a distinctly Murcan spin (Big Guvmint controls the weather, so let's lynch us an emergency worker). Doubtless the greatest country in the world will soon once again be taking pride in having restrained the well-meaning excesses of its favourite ally.


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