Journal of the Plague Year
If there be any Nation upon the Face of the Earth, which exceedeth the Woo Han Peſtilence in the Crueltie of its Cunning and the Perficiouſneſs of its Inſidiouſneſs, then clearly that Nation muſt be the beaſtlie French. As a Nation of buccaneering Entrepreneurs, the very Life's Blood of our Realm is the pleaſant purſuit of Trade, whether in Sugar, Slaves or cheap woollen Stuff from our magnificent Manufactories which preſerve from poyſonous Indolence the Infant Populations of our Northern Regions. To keep an Engliſhman from buying and ſelling is to poyſon his national Humours, to explode his robuſt Britiiſh Bowels in a horrid Welter of Chyme, and to drain the pure Blood of his Anceſtors and ſubſtitute in his manly Veins a foul reeking Pus of Foreignneſs. And juſt ſuch a dread and inhumane Scheme is now ſet in Motion by the beaſtlie French, who for the ſake of a mere few thouſand eminently expendable Lives among their own worthleſs Populace, have impoſed a Blockade upon our Goods and enſured that our Drivers and Stevedores muſt partake of Rations ſupplied by the Army, in order to prevent their Starvation in the Maſs and the conſequent Diſappearance of the County of Kent beneath a putrefying Mound of Corſes of Horſes and human Draft Animals. Accordingly, in order to aſsiſt the Nation in its lateſt Hour of Need I am reſolved to raiſe my own Regiment of Heavy Cavalry and pay with my owne Life and Limb ſhould even ſo humble a Sacrifice prove neceſsary for the Survival of the Realm. I have written to the Miniſtry of War concerning the proper Proviſion of Pantaloons and Guſsets within an appropriate Command Structure.
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