The Curmudgeon


Monday, December 21, 2020

Journal of the Plague Year

continued, by a Gentleman

With that low ſcheming Cunning, which ever characteriſeth the Workings of the ſubtil Oriental, the Woo Han Peſtilence hath inflicted upon our glorious and invincible Realm, what may poſsibly be the greateſt Trial to be endured ſince half a dozen Taylor's Boys expired of malicious Dilatorineſs during a ſingle Summer, and delayed by ſeverall Weekes a vital Adjutſtment to the ſecondary lateral Guſsets of my entire Wardrobe for the Seaſon. But even that dire and diſaſtrous Epoch of ſartorial Apocalypſe muſt be counted leſs burdened with the goſsamer Frailties of our mortal Exiſtence than this preſent Yeare of Grace, wherein even the Birth of our Saviour may be cancelled upon the malignant Whim of a foreign Invader. For it ſeemeth the Woo Han Peſtilence ſubſcribeth to that blaſphemous and Satanick Doctrine, which ſtateth that the fleſhly Incarnation of the moſt High-church God is beſt worſhipped in ſolitary Contemplation, and without the benevolent Superviſion of an ordained Anglican Preacher and a virtuous Congregation gathered in pious Watchfulneſs for any Signal of ſtiff-necked and backſliding into Sin. And ſo the Children of the Poore will be denyed the ſacred Privilege of honeſt Labour, excepting thoſe fortunate few who are charged with the holy Buſineſs of kneeling before their Betters and pulling Bell-ropes and ſuchlike ſacerdotal Functions.


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