Journal of the Plague Year
It is ſayed among ſubverſive Apothecaries and ſuchlike, that certain Phyſicians of a foreign Temper have made Obſervations concerning the Proceſs of Infection, and that therefrom a Way may be found to preſerve our Race againſt the Ravages of the Woo Han Peſtilence. The Folderol and Fuſtian ſpouted by theſe Alchemiſts and Charlatans is of ſuch ridiculous and boaſtful Character, as to be ſuſceptible of Diſproof and utter Refutation by any one more or leſs unſchooled in the monſtrous Diſciplines of Barbering, Bone-ſetting and Humane Carpentry. The Reſearch ſo-called, hath its Foundations in mere ruſtick Rumour, to the Effect that a Milk-maid, who hath ſuffered a Bout of the Cow-pox, will thereafter not often contract the Small-pox. Reaſoning from this Farm-wife Superſtition, the Men of practical Philoſophie would force all free Subjects of our great Monarch to undergoe the moſt frightful and obſcene Experiments, by inſerting bleeding Lumps of raw Beef, and poſsibly even entire Bovines both living and dead, into their unſuſpecting Veins, which would be a moſt unaccuſtomed and incorrect Method of Ingeſtion. This moſt vile and diſguſting Perverſion of Nature muſt be fought to the laſt Breath of our Arms even if not a Man be left ſtanding upon the gory Ramparts of our antient anceſtral Fiſh-ſtocks. For to permit the ſcientiſtick Overlordſhip of our Engliſh Blood-veſsels would be nothing other than the ultimate Depth of the Height of ungodly impious Blaſphemy and Britiſhneſsleſsneſs, as only thoſe can fail to agree who are blinded and corrupted by the arrogant Preſumption that accompanies the Blood-ſtayned wanton Habiliments of mere Expertiſe.
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