The Curmudgeon


Monday, November 30, 2020

Journal of the Plague Year

continued, by a Gentleman

Alas poor Countrie, where the Woo Han Peſtilence tramples all before the horrid Jawes of its cruſhing Tread, where the immortal Victory of the People's Will at Runnymede muſt count for no more than a Shred of Piffle, and where law-abiding and honeſt Citizens muſt needs permit the inalienable democratick Repreſentations of their innate Britiſhneſs to be ground into the Sands of Tyranny by the conſuming Teeth of a Parliamentary Beaſt. To ſpeak ſpeſifically, all Publick-Houſes, Eating-places, Watering-holes and the like, yea even unto the Bloater and Blueſtocking Coffee-houſe its Self, are to cloſe by ſix in the Evening, while preſent Reſtrictions will remain upon all Gatherings whether their Purpoſe be feſtive or ſubverſive. I cannot conceive, that our noble Prime Miniſter with his famous Jocularity of Spirit and Inſtinct for perſonall Liberty, hath agreed to ſuch Repreſsions upon his beloved People, and I can onlie conclude, that ſome beſtial Treachery is afoot beneath the Wainſcotting of the Corridors of the Palaces of the Mighty. Fortunately all is not loſt, for certain Theſpians have joyned to raise their Voices in the great and righteous Cauſe of Britiſhneſs, and have demonſtrated the lacking Neceſsitie for Maſques with proteſting Piſs-uppes, incendiary Rhetorick and unconducted Sneeze-ins. It is a Sight to reſtore Faith in the great realiſtick Traditions of the Engliſh Stage.


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