Journal of the Plague Year
There is much idle Goſsip among the Servants, concerning the approaching Seaſon of Chriſtmas, when in Accordance with their baſe low Morals, they expect to take Advantage of the Woo Han Peſtllence and make of it an Excuſe to remain away from their Families. Thus far the Houſekeeper, ſome Laundreſses and ſundry idle Fellows have requeſted, that they be permitted to ſtay in Towne and not obliged to take the uſual Half-day of Worſhip and humble Gratitude for the Privilege of Service while viſiting the Hovels of their Begetters. That ſhrewd and knowing Theologian, Biſhop Swygge-Sherriwyne, hath ſtated ſcientifically that the Gathering and Crowding of poor and undeſerving Perſons into ſmall and paltry Spaces during the Celebrations, could well prevent new Outbreaks of the dread Diſeaſe, owing to the reſulting unique and formidable Concentration of pious Britiſhneſs. Therefore I have ordered all Servants, ſave that bare Majority which cannot be ſpared in any Circumſtance, to acknowledge the Miracle of our Lord's Birth at their native Hearth, returning to their Duties only in time to enſure that the Houſe is properlie ſwept and duſted and all my neceſsarie Guſsets full prepared and perfumed. And I have adviſed them further, that I ſhall equip my Self and deal moſt harſhly with any who ſuccumb to the Woo Han Peſtilence over the feſtive Seaſon, by way of a ſlothful and impious Attempt to eſcape the Obligations of honeſt and improving Labour.
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