Journal of the Plague Year
Were any further Demonſtration required, of that Inadequacy of moral Perſpective which diſtinguiſheth the leſser Breeds, there could ſurely be no better Example than the recent Agitation by an uppity ſporting Specimen, that the ſuperfluous Iſsue of the profligate Undeſerving ſhould receive endleſs Banquets and Feaſts at the Expenſe of the Tax-payer. Doubtleſs the horrid Conſequences of ſuch indiſcriminate and ſentimental Attempts at Charity are hidden from the ſight of this benighted Pugiliſt by the naturall Depravity and Darkneſs of his inferior Race: the inevitable Foſtering of Dependency and Idleneſs, the Breeding of an entire Generation of indolent and paraſitick vampyre Cockroaches draining the Life-blood of the Boddy Politick, and the final and ultimate Defeat of our invincible Spirit of entrepreneurial Pluck and Gumption, ſuch that within a few ſhort Yeares the World might find itſelf ſufficiently ſtarved of Britiſhneſs, as to enter a new and terrible Dark Age of unciviliſed Barbariſm.
And withal, deſpite the increaſed Leiſure-time of thoſe Young who are relieved of the tedious Neceſsity for expending their Energy and nervous Force in the ſluggardly Conſumption of mere Suſtenance, not a ſingle Subſcription hath been raiſed, nor charitable Benefit held among them, to provide our noble Prime Miniſter with proper Wherewithal to hire a Nurſe of Quality for his lateſt Baſtard. Truly, as may be obſerved in the Perſiſtence of the Woo Han Peſtilence, the Sins and Omiſsions of the Unworthy are ſuch as to merit the harſheſt Penalties in the Power of Heavenly Juſtice.
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