Journal of the Plague Year
Thoſe ſupreme and perennial Exemplificators to Mankind of medicinal Expertiſe, perſonal Cleanlineſs and Sweetneſs of boddily Odour, who conſtitute Her Majeſty's Government, have been compelled to iſsue yet further Warnings upon the Perils of exceſsive Proximity, for clearly the dreaded Woo Han Peſtilence is no Reſpecter of entrepreneurial Pluck, World-beating Gumption, nor any other prophylactick Manifeſtation of homæopathick Britiſhneſs. The horrid Depredations of this Peril from the Eaſt have been much exacerbated by the traytorous Collaboration and fractious Diſobedience of the Young, who have diſregarded the wiſe Advice of their Elders and perſiſted in their Schooling, in blaſphemous Defiance of the democratick Imperative to ignore the Government. Such alſo is the Opinion of my Lord Splyce-Chyldebryde, who told me in Savile Row yeſter Eve, that the Quantity of Deaths among Parents and Governeſses hath led even the better Houſeholds unto a diſaſtrous Sparing of the Rod, the monſtrous Conſequence of which may be obſerved in Fear and Trembling when the unruly uncaned Mob deſtroys a thouſand Yeares of hard-earned Liberty, by interfering with the Delivery to a Truth-ſtarved Populace of ſundry enlightening religious Tracts and Pamphlets.
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