Journal of the Plague Year
Though one heſitates to aſcribe too great an Exceſs of Intellect to the barbarous yellow Hordes of the Far Eaſt, it begins to appear, that with typical heathen Cunning and Duplicitouſneſs, the Woo Han Peſtilence hath obſerved the Liberaliſing of our national Precautions in the Face of its uttermoſt Defeat, and hath with fiendiſh oriental Deceitfulneſs taken this Signal of our World-beating Strength as a Symptom of Vulnerability to renew its inſidious Aſsaults. Since that invincible Defender of the Realm, our noble Prime Miniſter, hath returned from his ſeverall Holidays, the World alſo hath retired embittered by our perpetual Superiority, with ſuch Threats and Imprecations from the beaſtlie French as I heſitate to record even in this private Journal, leſt it ſhould plant ſome horrid Corruption in the Britiſhneſs of Poſterity. And upon the ſame Subject, namely that of unpatriotick ſabotaging Villainy, our Sawboneſes with their Nurſes and Apothecaries are yet once more engaged in their habitual traytorous Blackmailing. Many have iſsued Threats, to the Effect that they will quit their Profeſsion within three Yeares, for ſuch is the petty Degree of their Decency towards our noble Prime Miniſter who condeſcended to allow himſelf to be cured by ſo faithleſs and ungrateful a Rabble. What do they want - Applauſe?
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