Journal of the Plague Year
continued, by a Gentleman
That ſubtilleſt of Diplomatiſts, that wilieſt of Negotiators, that ingenious Maſter of Detail and imperturbable Paragon of Tranquillity whom we are privileged to call our Leader, hath taken a Journey to the North in order to quell the Rebelliouſneſs of the traytorous Scotch, whoſe ſeditious Clanſmen threaten our ſacred and unvanquiſhable Union with Ruin and very Deſtruction. So far from falling to their unclad Knees and lowering their Sporrans in meekeſt Gratitude for their Deliverance from the Peſtilence, the thankleſs Calvinites preſume to emit Mutterings of impudent Reſtleſsneſs in their rude and barbarous Dialect, while brazenly failing to expire in numerical Proportion to their Neighbours and Betters in Britiſhneſs. The wretched Province being led by a monſtruous Regiment of Women, hath with an obſtinate Perſiſtence of Perverſeneſs flirted and whored with ſmoothly-ſpoken foreign Perſonages, in ſtark and flagrant Contraſt to the international Celibacy of our virginal Engliſh Miniſters. It is to be hoped, that ſuch uppity Females are not ſo lacking in Senſitivity and ſpiritual Refinement as to be unmoved by the famous Charms of our great Leader, whoſe Skills as a Whore-maſter are much ſpoken of wherever the leſs entertaining Aſpects of his Genius have become dull by conſtant and repeated Acquaintance.
That ſubtilleſt of Diplomatiſts, that wilieſt of Negotiators, that ingenious Maſter of Detail and imperturbable Paragon of Tranquillity whom we are privileged to call our Leader, hath taken a Journey to the North in order to quell the Rebelliouſneſs of the traytorous Scotch, whoſe ſeditious Clanſmen threaten our ſacred and unvanquiſhable Union with Ruin and very Deſtruction. So far from falling to their unclad Knees and lowering their Sporrans in meekeſt Gratitude for their Deliverance from the Peſtilence, the thankleſs Calvinites preſume to emit Mutterings of impudent Reſtleſsneſs in their rude and barbarous Dialect, while brazenly failing to expire in numerical Proportion to their Neighbours and Betters in Britiſhneſs. The wretched Province being led by a monſtruous Regiment of Women, hath with an obſtinate Perſiſtence of Perverſeneſs flirted and whored with ſmoothly-ſpoken foreign Perſonages, in ſtark and flagrant Contraſt to the international Celibacy of our virginal Engliſh Miniſters. It is to be hoped, that ſuch uppity Females are not ſo lacking in Senſitivity and ſpiritual Refinement as to be unmoved by the famous Charms of our great Leader, whoſe Skills as a Whore-maſter are much ſpoken of wherever the leſs entertaining Aſpects of his Genius have become dull by conſtant and repeated Acquaintance.
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