The Curmudgeon


Saturday, July 11, 2020

Journal of the Plague Year

continued, by a Gentleman

Should any Philoſopher conceive a Wiſh to contemplate the Myſtery of Creation in all its engmatick Splendour, he could ſurely do no better than to obſerve the relentleſs Perverſeneſs of Spirit among the lower Orders. Without the Cares of State upon their Shoulders, and lacking all Senſe of Reſponſibility or Guilt for the oft diſgraceful Conduct of their own mediocre Affairs, the common People are nevertheleſs habituated to the iſsue of continual Groans and Plaints concerning the Lot which the Lord hath given them. Already ſeditious Grumbles are to be heard from thoſe who have ſurvived the Peſtilence ſufficient to return to the Publick-houſes, and are diſcontented becauſe they fear for thoſe humble Livelihoods which, before the Peſtilence began, they conſidered ſo poor and unworthy.

Nay worſe, for a Cabal of Orderlies, Apothecaries, Nurſes and the like, having doubtleſs fallen under the foreign Influence of the rebellious Negroes, Blackamoors and Females among their Number, are diſinclined to content themſelves with the Applauſe of their Betters and are manifeſting great Indignation becauſe they have been requeſted to pay Duty on the Space they occupy in our publick Hoſpitals, in order to relieve the Overcrowding of the Wards. Truly one could not make it up, that in a Metropolis ravaged by the late Peſtilence, ſuch that a Gentleman muſt pay twice the Rate in Silver for ſome Loafers to watch his Carriage without Risk of returning to find his Upholſtery ſlaſhed, his Whore ſuborned and his Wheels ſubſtituted with Piles of Bridge-building Stone, theſe ſo-called Angels of Mercie begrudge Her Majeſty's Government a mere Groat in the Service of Humanity. It is in ſuch Situations that the moſt deciſive and ſtateſmanlike Action is required from thoſe honoured and afflicted with thoſe heavy Reſponſibilities which come of ſuperior Breeding. For a Certainty, when next I ſend my Servants to applaud on my behalf the Dedication and Courage of thoſe who have battled againſt this Peſtilence, I ſhall forbid them ſpecifically to include the Uppity and Ungrateful in the Accolade.


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