Goodwill and a Sword
Appropriately enough, as this nasty little country belches and squabbles its way through another nasty little celebration of its nasty little state god, the latest episcopal appointee in the nasty little church of Timmy Farron and Theresa May has taken the opportunity to profundify upon the general nastiness. Rose Hudson-Wilkin, former chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Expenses Claimants, proclaimed that "all of us must take responsibility" for the present regrettable state of affairs, which is so self-evidently and equally the fault of Pharisees and publicans, Remainers and Leavers, immigrants and natives, racists and non-racists alike. Assuming that any of us is so far removed from British values as to require healing rather than victory, we can start by "making a commitment to ourselves and to each other to listen to one another and not just think that your view is the only view." Unfortunately, my view is the only view I can manage; which demonstrates my ocular inferiority to those Anglicans who can accommodate several beams in each eye. Refreshing as it is to be initiated into the ways of relativism by a self-proclaimed adherent of the goat-burning shepherd, I fear my materialist Old Adam rebels at being lectured on the perils of rhetoric by the woman whose words so recently contributed to making the lot of some rough sleepers just a little bit rougher.
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