Wealth Creators
Among the literally uncountable blessings conferred by Britain's independence from the beastly Euro-wogs is the removal of restrictions imposed upon the bonuses of free bankers on the land. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the Strasbrussels junta ruled that short-term profits should not be prioritised over stability, and that bankers should therefore not receive financial incentives that would predispose them to take undue risks. This of course was ideology, and the regulation capping bonuses among the bankers of the master race was removed last year; Team Starmer, as one would expect, has no intention of restoring it. Now Barclays has circulated a memo to staff announcing that the limit will no longer apply, while informing the lower orders that their own incentives will be remaining stable. In the higher realms, by contrast, up to ten times the value of salary will be available to those with a sufficiently exalted level of talent to award it to themselves.
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