Among the political messages often to be found in the selection of a presidential running-mate is, of course, "look what will happen if you get rid of me;" and having narrowly escaped assassination the Trumpster and his head-tribble have hastened to lock and load their ultimate deterrent. In turn, JD Vance has hurried to establish his Murcan breadth of knowledge and Trumpsterite diplomatic skills by proclaiming that Labour's election may make the UK "the first truly Islamist country that will get a nuclear weapon," and Labour's ministers have begged very 'umbly, for the moment, to disagree. It is understandable enough that the JD would fail to register Labour's repeatedly demonstrated contempt for Muslim voters; especially as Republicans' ideas of the British political scene are presumably shaped by cultural commentary from the likes of La Truss and the strutting Caudillo of the Farage Falange. Even so, the JD's blithe implication that the Murcan-owned and Murcan-controlled nucular weapons in the English state of Scotland constitute some sort of independent deterrent must surely verge on the unpatriotic.
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