Normal Service Will Be Resumed
We're sorry for this outage
That caused you such delay;
We'll use all proper cloutage
To speed you on your way.
That caused you such delay;
We'll use all proper cloutage
To speed you on your way.
Our corporate survival
Is now the markets' call:
You can't switch to a rival,
Because we ate them all.
We're very deeply sorry
Our product went this way;
But there's no cause for worry,
Since you'll still have to pay.
Cyrus B Crasher
At 10:19 am , cosmo said...
The follow-up to Polite Notices.
At 3:43 pm , Philip said...
Friendly reminder: we have reorganised and expanded your bill to include our all-new Flexible Contrition™ option. Flexible Contrition™ is available at Perfunctory, Standard and Abject rates, and means you need never again take our apology for granted.
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