The Curmudgeon


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

And Crown Thy Spleen With Tangerine

Although Heaven is explicitly a kingdom and not a republic, Murca's most orange Bible salesman has denied any intention to make his realm more like God's. The Trumpster's declaration to Christians that they wouldn't have to vote any more if they put him and his head-tribble back into office this November was merely an attempt to overcome his audience's otherworldly apathy; and even if Christendom should fail deliver the popular vote, of course there's always the Supreme Court and the Dubya 2000 option to fall back on.

Since one or two people have interpreted his statement as an intention to put an end to voting, the Trumpster was also asked whether he and his head-tribble would have sufficient respect for the Constitution to leave office after a second four-year term; and the nation now has the word of a Trumpster, for whatever that may be worth, that they will do so. After all, they did it last time, eventually. Nor is this restraint merely because the head-tribble can't count beyond two, which is the minimum number required in practising the art of the deal. At the National Rifle Association convention the Trumpster waffled about Franklin Roosevelt, who spend sixteen years in office (1933-1945) despite his indiscretions of fighting wars against fascists and interfering in the free market. Much to the joy of the School-shooters' Civil Liberties Union, the Trumpster seemed to hint that the Twenty-Second Amendment might benefit from the attention of some good guys with guns. Doubtless he merely intended to overcome the NRA's otherworldly apathy as well.


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