Decency's Children
Despite being the country that re-elected the Bullingdon Club's glistening pink Head Boy and voted the National Johnson an eighty-seat majority; despite being the country that reads the Murdoch scumbag press and the Rothermere Daily Stürmer; despite our most popular fictional avatar being a priapic thug whose enemies tend strongly towards the physically and psychologically damaged; despite our greatest historical personage being a pompous thug whose idea of good government was grapeshot for the domestic rabble and poison gas for the uncivlised tribes; amd despite the fawning national subordination to the beaner-bashing, towelhead-trashing, gook-smashing, nigger-knocking World Cop by the grace of God, it has taken researchers a mere half-century to confirm that the British love bullies. Almost equally surprisingly, it seems that, in the estimation of at least one moderate and sensible media outlet, this qualifies as news.
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