New Block on the Kids
A bill awarding civil rights to Florida foetuses has suffered a postponement after the supreme court in the Christian state of Alabama went and muddied the moral waters. The Alabama court ruled that embryos created via IVF are "extra-uterine children," whereupon a number of clinics promptly stopped providing services for fear of wrongful-death lawsuits in the event of divinely-ordained termination. Of course, the recognition of foetuses as persons is not intended to hinder the process of pro-actively manufacturing more Murcans, but only to enable murder charges against abortionists and uppity females; so adjustments will have to be made in order to protect the profits of healthcare entrepreneurs, and the chances are against the Christian state of Florida birthing its legislative bulge during the present session. Doubtless the Great American Man-baby in the Sky will respond as wrathfully as He sees fit.
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