Immodest Conversation
Fair dealing and level playing fields are once more under attack from the Trades Union Congress, which has compounded its sin of supporting striking workers over the actual public by suggesting that wealth creators should be taxed in order to fund services that only the rabble ever use. As one would expect, the idea has foreign roots, being based on Spanish solidarity as opposed to British liquidity. Norway's introduction of a wealth tax has forced many of the deserving to become migrants: a fate which no patriotic progressive would want for the likes of Fishy Rishi, the fourth Viscount Rothermere, or the strutting Caudillo emeritus of the Farage Falange. Nevertheless, an oxymoronic "modest wealth tax" has been proposed for the mainland, under the pretext of starting a national conversation about Stalinist persecution of squillionaires: a conversation which will presumably end with the His Majesty's Government and Loyal Opposition united in a grown-up chorus of "No."
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