The Curmudgeon


Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Vexatious Litigation

Just as the natural party of racism and sexism is prepared to tolerate wogs, women and gays provided they are sufficiently greedy, thuggish, hypocritical and stupid, so the ideological prejudice against taxpayer-funded legal aid for workshy criminals tends to become a bit more nuanced when real people are in the dock. Being no longer in a position to trade government sinecures for cash loans, the National Johnson has been allocated nearly a quarter of a million in public funds, with the prospect of more, to defend himself against the charge of deliberately saying the thing that was not, as opposed to undergoing a timely lapse of memory, within the hallowed chamber of the House of Expenses Claimants. Fishy Rishi, whose lack of affinity for the kind of mugs who pay their taxes has been on edifying display more than once, proclaimed that there is a precedent for ex-ministers to receive handouts should their conduct as ministers come under legal scrutiny; which is no more than to say that a liar may also, on occasion, be a parasite. By way of demonstrating that he deserves another bung, the National Johnson has declared chickenfeed of two point three million from the cluck-for-bucks circuit and the final instalment of his trilogy on Churchill, Shakespeare and Boris Johnson; as well as the public money he receives in his purely nominal role as the representative of a parliamentary constituency.


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