Lebensraum Denied
Enemies of the people at the high court have scuppered the Government's plans to build a Who Won the Holocaust Anyway centre in a public park. The puce Head Boy of the first Bullingdon Club administration dreamed up the idea, or got a little man to dream it up for him, some three years into the hostile environment and six years after the Conservative Party formally aligned itself with the neo-Nazi faction in Europe. Naturally it was considered appropriate to raise the virtue-signal on land appropriated from those little people to whom the rules apply; and all would have been jolly if it hadn't been for the London Historic Parks and Gardens Trust, which brought a case against the Government and which Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition will presumably lose no time in denouncing for antisemitism. The claim was even made that the rah-rah over Mr Churchill and the Conservative Party saving the Jews might drown out the national self-congratulation at having abolished slavery: a rather unfortunate result, given that the aspect of the Holocaust most abhorrent to patriotic Britons was undoubtedly the subjecting of white Europeans to treatment which civilised nations habitually reserve for the lesser breeds.
At 3:09 pm ,
mal ray said...
If you can stop hating everyone for a minute Philip just to let you know I am waiting for an op in hospital. I should be ok though. No funerals for you to avoid this month. All the best to you Philip. Delete as neccessary.
At 5:40 am ,
Philip said...
I hope the operation goes well. As for the rest, I won't make excuses. I decided a long time ago that a clean break was best, and I still think so.
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