Brighter Orange
The strutting Caudillo emeritus of the Farage Falange is taking time off from the milkshake circuit in order to gain a bit of experience in transatlantic statesmanship. Just as the sainted Thatcher basked in the favour of the ga-ga Hollywood third-rater, and the Reverend Blair cosied up to the Bush chimpanzee, so the strutting Caudillo is dispensing advice to his bright orange maxi-me the Trumpster, who is being so indiscreet as to start fighting the 2024 presidential election on all the wrong fibs. Although rage and resentment over perceived past injustices have long been favourite buttons for the far right to push, it seems that even patriotic self-pity can be taken too far. The hydrophobic head-tribble whose radioactive defecations form the substance of the Trumpster's consciousness has become fixated on the 2020 election and the all-pervading conspiracy of traitors, foreigners, voting machine manufacturers and legions of Beelzebub which stole victory for the Democrats. The strutting Caudillo noted helpfully that "if you think about it" 2020 is actually in the past, and that the Trumpster campaign would be better off raising hopes for future purges. It does not as yet appear that the head-tribble was much persuaded by this call to moderate and sensible Starmerism.
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