A Sacred Mystery
Despite its promulgation of a belief system that values doctrine over curiosity and faith over fact; despite its adherence to a blood-cult with a long and squalid record of misogyny, antisemitism, witch-hunting, slave-holding, child abuse and blatant fraud; despite its adoring devotion to the fanatically vindictive Son of a genocidally violent god; despite two millennia of demonstrable affinity with tyrants and empires from the Emperor Constantine to the Trumpster and his hierophantic head-tribble, it appears that a certain Christian crowd-funding website has enabled the raising of donations for right-wing terrorists of the kind who perpetrated the Epiphany on the Capitol in January. What can be the connection?
At 6:07 am , Brian M said...
Hey, Philip: You might want to check the link. It leads to an article on VAT tax bills and scams, not anything related to "Christian" crowd funding.
At 9:10 am , Philip said...
Well, I'm glad somebody's reading this thing with at least one eye open. Fixed it now, thanks.
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