Transformatisational Rehabilitatism Through Ethicalising Libertoidification
Greatly to nobody's surprise, the brilliant Chris Graybeing's privatisation of the probation service has brought not only the trademark institutional chaos, but also some amusingly enhanced levels of flirtation and wog-baiting. Since the reforms were introduced by the Conservatives and nodded through by their little yellow chums, non-woke criminals have been allocated without warning to officers of the deportable persuasion, and good-natured Johnsonian banter has held unfettered sway between the would-be alpha males and the more exotic breeds of filly. The service has also taken a more strictly moral approach to crime, eliminating any nonsense about racial or social factors contributing to those people's ancestral hatred for British law and order. Some of the Graybeing reforms are to be revised this year, and it is certainly to be hoped that the result will prove even more transformative for the prospects of the deserving.
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