The Curmudgeon


Friday, March 19, 2021

Journal of the Plague Year

continued, by a Gentleman

Much Rejoycing at the Meeting yeſter Eve of the Libertarian League of Maſqueleſs Defiants, wherein my Lord Whynynge-Wyndebagge proclaimed his Intention of putting a Bill before Parliament, to ſtrengthen the patriotick Sentiment of the Nation and thereby haſten the Defeat of the Woo Han Peſtilence in its migratory Heatheniſhneſs, while ſimultaneouſly ſtimulating the Trade in Cotton and increaſing the Efficiency and Productiveneſs of our idle Niggers. The new Law once having received the ſignal and World-beating Privilege of the Royal Aſsent, would compel proper Diſplay of the Flag of our Union in all publick and private Spaces, with a due Showing of Pride and Reſpect in the Engliſhneſs of our Britiſhneſs, whenever a Subject of the Crown ſhould paſs within a Yard of the Reverent Fabrick. A moſt thorough and conſtructive Debate then aroſe, as to whether it were more patriotick, to diſplay the Croſses of Saint George and his Heavenly Subordinates outwardlie and in extenſive Compaſs, as upon a Cummerbund or Guſset in Red, White and Blue; or to enhance one's Perſon with a dozen or ſo Flags in more modeſt Dimenſions. It was further ſuggeſted, that the Watch be given extenſive new Powers, to enſure that Perſons of a ſubverſive and traytorous Tendency, who may attempt to diſplay the Symbol of Freedom and Libertie in Locations ſuch as the Trap-door of their Breeches, do not eſcape the Conſequences of their infamous Irreverence. At laſt the Meeting ended, with ſome cordial Divergence of Opinion, concerning what Form of Diſplay for the Flag would count as its being upſide-downe, and my Lord Whynynge-Wyndebagge was ſtruck in his ſecond Dewlap with a pewter Beer-mug and became ſomewhat hindered of Diſcourſe.


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