A Most Unfortunate Accident
Policies enacted under the casually racist Head Boy David Cameron, and his fanatically racist sidekick Tumbledown Tessie, may inadvertently have led to racist consequences, according to a study carried out in Bristol. Under the pretext of protecting potential deportees against female genital mutilation, the coalition introduced measures inadvertently similar in effect to the Blairites' Muslim-baiting Prevent programme, with people of African descent being stigmatised, isolated and harassed. Doubtless it was with a similar degree of inadvertence that a hireling and/or dupe at the Ministry for Wog Control shrugged off the idea of engaging with communities as a "non-starter" amid Brexiteer slogans ("taking control") and Blairite euphemisms ("asking uncomfortable questions"), while a minister blithely ignored her employer's record of inadvertently closing down women's shelters as she belched out some righteous noises about physical and psychological suffering.
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