The Curmudgeon


Monday, January 18, 2021

Journal of the Plague Year

continued, by a Gentleman

Our noble Miniſter for Hutts, Hovels, Vagrants and Miſcellaneous Statuary hath conceived a moſt ingenious Propoſal for the Healing of the Nation, once the horrid heathen Slaughter wrought by the Woo Han Peſtilence hath wrought the full Meaſure of its ſlaughterous heathen Horridneſs. Namely, that the Malcontents and Subverſives who infeſt the Realm ſhould be induced towards an appropriate Perſpective, upon the Subject of thoſe heroick Creators of Wealth and buccaneering Entrepreneurs, whoſe great moral Character and patriotick Explorations brought Proſperity to our Kingdom and Piety to the Godleſs. To which noble End, no Statue or Image of a Slave-trader may now be broken, diſmantled, dethroned or otherwiſe removed, without due Permiſsion from the proper Authorities. For it is ſurely more fitting for dutiful Citizens to meditate upon ſuch wholeſome and healthy Topicks as the Glory of ſhared Liberty and the Miracle of prudent fiſcal Governance, than to dwell upon the baſe worldly Concerns, ſuch as mere Shelter and Boddily Suſtenance, which ſo frequently obſeſs the narrow animaliſtick Intelligences of the leſser Breeds. And it would be an unforgivable Cruelty to thoſe vaſt Multitudes of Homeleſs and Starving which exerciſe the Charity of our great Nation, that they ſhould paſs from Cradle to common Grave without true Knowledge of their ſuperior Heritage and good Fortune, that the almighty and merciful God created them Britiſh and not Niggers.


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