Journal of the Plague Year
It is an enduring Paradox of the Britiſhneſs of our Mightineſs, that deſpite the Mightineſs of our Britiſhneſs upon the Field of Honour and the perſiſting Triumph of our Stateſmanſhip in World Affaires, nevertheleſs we ſtand in perpetual deadlie Peril from the ſubverſive Activities of the leſser Breeds. Even as that ſupreme Manifeſtation of our National Deſtiny, the Royal Navy, once more takes gloriouſly to our ſilver Seas in order to keep our Britiſh Fiſh from being perfidiouſly ſuborned by the beaſtlie French, the Woo Han Peſtilence continues to ſtrike at the very Spleen of the Realm, and this in the very Teeth of moſt courageous and indomitable Reſiſtance, offered by ſuch patriotick Guilds and Companies as the Defiant Society of Maſqueleſs Claſsical Liberaliſm. Meanwhile the traytorous Apothecaries and their idle ſluttiſh Nurſes continue to ſpread and propagate the blaſphemous Satanick Doctrine, that the Life of an Engliſhman may be ſaved by polluting the Puritie of his Blood with a foreign Subſtance. What means this great Contradiction in the divine Order of our Univerſe? Surely no Conſciouſneſs can encompaſs the miraculous Myſterie of our Being, ſave onlie His from whoſe Mightineſs our Britſhneſs was firſt given the entrepreneurial Gumption to derive itſelf.
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