The Curmudgeon


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Journal of the Plague Year

continued, by a Gentleman

In due Keeping with my patriotick Conſcience, in this Time of Peril when the dread Worm of Treachery ſtands poiſed and ready upon its venomous Haunches to ſeize in its horrid Claws and bear away as its ill-gotten Prize the ſlighteſt Sign of Weakneſs in the national Backbone, I truſt that our noble Prime Miniſter hath not forgot his famous and long-ſtanding Maſtery of the diplomatick Trade. When enforcing the National Will upon the lateſt Governor of our American Colonies, our great Leader muſt call to Mind our Poſition in the World, our exalted Preſtige among the leſser Breeds, and the unrivalled Might of our Navy Preſs-gangs now the Univerſities are cloſed. He muſt impreſs upon the upſtart Snollygoſter our limitleſs Dedication to free and fair Trade, regardleſs of Tariff or other vexatious legal Petty-foggeries, and our plucky Determination, ſhould it become neceſsary, to grow our own Potatoes, pork our own Barrels and beat our own Niggers at whatever the Coſt to our expendable Claſses. And he muſt above all make clear that we will tolerate no Interference by foreign Powers in our excluſive and inalienable Rights regarding the interim Solution to the Iriſh Queſtion, and that the manifold dire Conſequences of any ſuch aggreſsive Activity againſt the free Market might well reſult in punitive Taxation. If the Prime Miniſter or his gracious Conſort ſhould condeſcend to offer appropriate Remuneration, I am minded once more to look with Favour upon the Proſpect of a ſenior Poſition in the Colonial Service.


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