Journal of the Plague Year
To-day the Streets of our great City are filled with Cryers and Pamphleteers all proclaiming the News that the innate Freedoms and Liberties of our Britishneſs are ſoon to be made ſubject to yet further Reſtriction, which is doubteſs a neceſsary Sacrifice in order to outflank the perfidious Welſh and to confuſe thoſe few Surgeons, Apothecaries and Nurſes who ſtill remain to pollute our National Diſcourſe with their peſsimiſtick Subverſiveneſs. Once more the Woo Han Peſtilence hath enſured we muſt be confined to our Manſions and Palaces, with onlie our Servants to attend our Neceſsities, and with no better Paſtime to beguile the weary Routine than conſidering the likely Conſequences for our fiſcal Well-being ſhould the Peaſantry be ſo idle and inconſiderate as to indulge in exceſsive Demiſing. The Pamphleteers are ſomewhat more ſucceſsful than the Cryers in their Diſsemination of the grave Tidings, on account of their Freedom from the Neceſsity of drawing deep Breaths, and thereby inhaling the miaſmatick Stench from the heaped and rotting Corſes of the Undeſerving, by which melancholy yet inſpiring Spectacle is demonſtrated once more the Triumph of a free and fearleſs Preſs.
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