Credit Where It's Due
Out of all the world's copious supply of nuclear-powered silly-haired man-babies, only one has had the moral fortitude to stand before his people and apologise for his failings. He spent a "sizeable portion" of his speech at a major military parade expressing sympathy with his people; he admitted that his efforts have not always been worthy of their trust; and he didn't even denounce Washington or South Korea for the Tojo-style punishment beatings which did so much to bring the North to its present unenviable position. As the leader of a small but plucky nation that punches well above its weight in military might and boasts an economy and living standard which are well within anticipated post-Brexit parameters, Kim Jong-Un has shown greater qualities of leadership than either the Trumpster and his hydrophobic head-tribble or the coarse buffoon currently serving as the Cummings administration's front-man.
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