Perilously Enigmatic
Utilising their usual combination of insidious cunning and treacherous subtlety, the Heathen Chinee have inveigled a sinister slant into their response to Global Britain's bluff and forthright security measures. Gloriously and independently, and with hardly any advice at all from the Trumpster and his hydrophobic head-tribble, the Recrudescent Imperium has expelled from its new-cleansed shores the treacherous Huawei, and has protested against the insidious introduction into Hong Kong of the kind of colonial security laws which only white governments know how to enforce nicely. The Heathen Chinee have retaliated by threatening not to recognise the not-quite-British passport which the Ministry for Wogs, Beads and Trinkets is offering to those Hong Kong natives who haven't heard of Windrush. The Heathen Chinee ambassador made sinister insinuations about his country's lamentable dearth of recent military conquests and, with cunning so subtle as to verge on dorsal self-perforation, even claimed that his country's re-education programmes for Uighur Muslims were no more harsh than the kind of detention meted out to suspected terrorists under the Prevent programme, or at worst in English boarding schools.
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