God Murders While They Smile
When asked how happy they are, people who believe themselves under continual supervision by an omnipotent génocidaire who will inflict hideous punishment for any disobedience respond more or less as one would expect. Like any other slaves when questioned in the presence of their owner, religious fanatics from the USA to the Righteous State describe themselves as "very happy," no matter what the suffering inflicted by their fun-loving gods. Although the results of the research were not uniform, with apparently lower degrees of enthusiasm in half the countries surveyed, the Hasidic leader of a team in Tel Aviv has predictably decreed that "the more religious you are, the more resilience you have," whatever the economic and personal consequences of isolation, overcrowding and arbitrary supernatural restrictions. Once the mainland is properly cloistered from the European evil, no doubt the same will apply to Britain's own national cult of racial purity and Churchill twice on Sundays.
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