Thy Mercy on Thy People, Lord Shiva
Stuck in a plague-struck capital which happens to be the most polluted city in the world, and therefore disinclined to fritter away its money on healthcare or environmental protection, the god-bothering government of Narendra Modi has instead decided on a further Johnsonian demonstration that British values are far from lost upon the republic of India. A major new building is to be added to the parliamentary complex at Delhi, without heed for the red tape of heritage status, public consultation or anti-democratic trouble-makers who might hinder proceedings by pedantically calling attention to flaws which are merely basic and fundamental. While the building represents a radical centralisation of power in the hands of the prime minister, a part of the presidential estate will be opened up to show that, whatever may be happening in less favoured regions, there remains sufficient biodiversity to furnish the gardens of the rich.
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