Lapidary Loophole
We are all well aware, because the more rampant members of the Parliamentary Brexit Party have mentioned it so often, that what is enshrined in British law is enshrined for all time. The ephemeral legal whimsies of Medes, Persians and other lesser breeds are worn to merited oblivion beside the marmoreal immutability of the humblest Westminster statute. This of course explains why the transition period for British independence cannot be extended by so much as a minute; it also explains how such temporary measures as daylight saving and income tax have persisted far beyond their original purpose, and why the nation's present lack of National Service and the death penalty is merely a temporary blip. All this being axiomatic and accepted without question by every true patriot, it will come as no surprise at all that Her Majesty's Government is seeking to change the law. A review of Prevent, the Blairite Muslim-baiting programme for turning inessential workers like teachers and nurses into informers for the hostile environment, is due this summer; Her Majesty's Government, which had to sack its favoured chair for being too gung-ho about not changing a thing, indulged in a four-month sulk before advertising for a successor and is now expressing concern at the possibility of a wasted chance to mark its own homework with due precision and rigour. The great British mind, unlike the mind of your beastly Euro-wog, is not so crude and self-interested as to be concentrated by a tight and looming deadline.
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