Beef Circle-Jerky
Predictably enough, the G7 countries have responded to the burning of the Amazon by playing blithely into the hands of the arson-happy Brazilian cowboys. A derisory waiter's tip, equivalent to the cost of one low-budget Hollywood film, was voted through and has duly been sniggered off. Bolsonaro's chief of staff landed several effective barbs, notably about the French president's inability to prevent fires in Paris; and, the legacy of colonialism being the Third World fascist's Treaty of Versailles, he also prodded happily at the paternalism button. Macron mentioned Europe's imports of soya but made no suggestion as to why Brazil should stop exporting it; the Trumpster and his head-tribble did a bit of posturing; and the leader of the world-leading, world-bestriding Recrudescent Imperium of Westminster, Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands was busy with more important matters.
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