No Chance of a Quick Lend-Lease, I Suppose
Some uppity colonials across the Atlantic have clearly forgotten who won the War of 1812, and are openly threatening a blockade of Britain's chlorinated chicken should the Recrudescent Imperium continue to exercise its inalienable right to tear up the Good Friday agreement. A spokesbeing for the Irish rebels has implied that alternatives to the backstop will have to be, of all things, "identified and demonstrated" before the backstop is dumped, and renegade members of Congress have declared their defiance of the Trumpster, his head-tribble and all stout British yeomen who prefer their poultry dunked in a swimming-pool. Meanwhile, it does not appear that the Imperial Haystack's defiance of the Brusso-Strasbourgian axis and its treacherous allies in Dublin has brought much in the way of admiration for British pluck and gumption. It is fortunate that Britain's obligations to other countries are no longer recognised by anyone who matters, otherwise our international reputation might suffer considerably.
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