The Curmudgeon


Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Too Vast a Vision

Among the more insidious perils of talking to foreigners is, of course, the chance of becoming inadvertently tainted with woggery. Such has clearly been the case with a number of diplomats, MEPs and others whose distorted, treacherous minds persist in believing that Britain is insufficiently plucky and buccaneering to toddle in splendid isolation towards its manifest destiny. Indeed, the former ambassador to the Euro-wogs has gone native to such an extent that he has accused Her Majesty's Government of failing to understand some foreigners, for all the world as if the will of the people had anything to do with politically correct multiculturalism. Sir Ivan Rogers, whose citizenship of nowhere that matters is readily apparent from his crypto-Putinite Christian name, goes so far as to suggest that the Euro-wogs may not permit a sufficiently brief extension of the Brexit cliff-edge to allow Her Majesty's Government to bludgeon Parliament into voting for Tumbledown Tessie's deal, and may even compel the British people to vote in yet more European elections, as if the country were under occupation by the Nazis. Like so many who have allowed their Britishness to become wantonly diluted, Sir Ivan sees only through the narrow perspective of pettifogging Euro-wog legalism, and persists in his bizarre, myopic indifference to the boundless upland vistas of Conservative Party internal management issues.


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