Mentioned in Dispatches
Yesterday's terrorist attack in Nairobi may possess more human interest than was at first supposed, despite having taken place in the Rest of the World. Not only were a Briton and an American killed along with a dozen nonentities, but the scumbag press has reported that a member of the SAS was involved in the security operation after the attack. Since the prepubescent Minister for Wog-Bombing was too busy to claim that he himself was that soldier, having had rather a hectic time of it yesterday helping to prop up the ever more fragrant corpse of Terminal Tessie, his department extruded a spokesbeing to comment that there was no comment. Whether the spokesbeing's repertoire stretched to the customary "knowing smile" is regrettably not a matter of public record; but patriotic Britons will be proud of their compatriot who stayed behind and braved the Mau Mau in order to sustain the interest of our free and cantankerous press for almost two whole days in a story that is almost merely African.
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