It Isn't Quite Only About the Money
Friendship, as the vole-brained former Minister for Werritty noted with regard to his chum Rodrigo Duterte, depends on shared values; hence the long, happy and profitable relationship between Her Majesty's Government and the head-chopping House of Saud. In their love of royalty, their reverence for tradition, their enthusiasm for wog-bombing and their respect for democracy, Britain's favourite Islamic fundamentalists are every bit the equals of the British Conservative Party, and of course quite unlike those ghastly Euro-wogs with their Soviet-style penchant for free movement, free trade and the rule of law. Accordingly, it is no doubt more in sorrow than in anger that Tin-Pot Tessie's current Minister for Wogs, Frogs and Huns has rebuked the head-chopping House of Saud over the disappearance and possible murder of a prominent journalist and well-known critic of the values of Jeremy Hunt. The Saudi royal family has apparently neglected to make even the slightest attempt at contriving some tenuous finger of blame to puff at Brussels, the Russians or Jeremy Corbyn. Even allowing for cultural differences, as the Conservatives are famously happy to do with regard to the right sort of people, such a blatant abuse of friendship can hardly go unchallenged.
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