He's Got the Little Bits of Baby on His Hands
With labour relations generally in a volatile state, it should come as no surprise that the Pope has plucked up sufficient courage to criticise the moral turpitude of his employer. Addressing his weekly congregation at St Peter's Square, Francis attacked the "contradictory approach to life [which] allows the suppression of human life in the mother’s womb in order to safeguard other values," and asked, "How can an act that suppresses an innocent and helpless life as it blossoms be therapeutic, civil or, simply, humane?" The Pope was referring to abortion, of course; and by grace of the God without whose will a sparrow cannot fall there are thousands of miscarriages every year, at the cost of great physical and emotional pain to women and their relatives and, in many cases, physical danger to the bereaved mothers. However belated or indirect the rebuke, it is certainly brave of Francis to confront his repulsive deity with at least some of His crimes, rather than carping at female autonomy and thereby pandering to all the coathanger fetishists in the Church and in Italian politics.
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