Poisonous Shrimp Adrift
As yet more petty obstructionism from the perfidious Euro-wogs continues to hurl itself, Kamikaze-like, before the inexorable rise of the Recrudescent Imperium of Westminster, Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands, it has fallen to the whining thug Dominic Raab to explain why the Brusso-Strasbourgian junta would do well not to get in Britain's way. Raab, who once put his name to a book describing British workers in British jobs as idlers, was due last week to instruct the enemy on its terms of surrender over the Irish border; but it seems he was too hard-working to hand in his homework on time. Perhaps, like so many other schoolboys on his party's watch, the poor lout just isn't getting enough to eat? If so, it was typically fiendish of the Euro-wogs to tantalise him with a lecture on some hypothetical seafood, rather than focusing on such genuinely relevant issues as reparations, technological solutions, and who won the war anyway.
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