Graybeing's Great Game
Yet again, it appears that some people need reminding who won the war. The fiend Barnier has rebuked the whining thug Dominic Raab over some letters sent to the twenty-seven non-psychotic states of the Euro-wog conspiracy. The letters were dispatched by the failed employment minister, failed lord chancellor, failed justice minister, failing transport secretary, sometime cyclist-clobberer and intellectual firebucket Chris Graybeing, apparently without Raab's knowledge and apparently on the assumption that the fiend Barnier would never know about them either. Why, after all, would even the most cunning negotiator be talking to a lot of foreigners when he was already basking in the conversation of Dominic Raab? The Graybeing epistles decreed that, in the event of a Rees-Mogg exit from the EU, the member states would all continue to engage with the UK exactly as before, except where the UK should deem it inexpedient; but for some reason the Euro-wogs seem to have as little understanding of their own interests as ever. It remains as yet unclear whether Graybeing had the letters translated into their recipients' respective languages, or contented himself with writing in English but very loudly.
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