Teen Resource Enhancement Through Societal Biggification
From the perspective of our present era of vigorous witch-hunting and exuberant wog-bashing, it may occasionally be difficult to recall the more emollient slogans that once were pushed by the sniggering louts of the Bullingdon Club and their little yellow fags. Prominent among these burbled nothings was the Big Society thingy, a much-relaunched attempt at promoting social responsibility among the great unwashed, about which the Head Boy would have a bit of a simper whenever the opportunity occurred. Remarkably, despite its entire and characteristic vacuity the remnants of that glorious legacy are still in evidence today, as millions are spent putting selected teenagers through a short, sharp shock of rah-and-blah while millions have been cut from those outmoded quangos which had drifted into the quaint yet dangerous habit of doing effective work. Hence, ninety-five per cent of the Government's youth services budget has been spent on the National Citizen Service, resulting in a massive twelve per cent take-up among eligible ephebic resources. Doubtless the rest prefer a life on benefits, or have unmarried parents or something of the sort; after all, if the jabbering homunculus Michael Gove can out-expert the experts after writing a few squibs for Rupert Murdoch, there seems no good reason why it should take more than a week or two to socialise the better breed of pleb-whelp.
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